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The Endoscopy Unit at Saint George Hospital - University Medical Center offers patients a wide range of diagnosis and therapies through Endoscopy.

Endoscopy is the examination of the internal body cavities using a specialized medical instrument called an Endoscope. It is a technique that enables physicians to explore the internal organs: digestive, urinary, respiratory, etc…

Endoscopy is performed using Fiber Optic tubes with two components:

• Fibers with cold light to illuminate the dark inside of hollow organs

• Fibers to catch images and send them to an attached computer system for analysis and final processing

Procedures performed at the Endoscopy Unit at Saint George Hospital - University Medical Center are:

• Esophago Gastroduodenoscopy - Diagnostic & Therapeutic

• Colonoscopy - Diagnostic & Therapeutic

• ERCP – Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography

• Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy

• Endoscopic Ultrasound – Diagnostic and Interventional

• Manometry: Esophageal, Anorectal

• PH Metry for Reflux Disease – Impedance Metry

• Cystoscopy – Diagnostic & Therapeutic

• Bronchoscopy – Diagnostic & Therapeutic

For more information, please call the Endoscopy Unit at Saint George Hospital - University Medical Center at +961 1 441595.