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The EEG/EMG Unit at Saint George Hospital - University Medical Center offers comprehensive testing to assist specialists in achieving prompt and accurate diagnosis in order to provide treatment options to patients with Neuromuscular problems disorders.

The EEG/EMG unit is equipped with up-to-date technologies offering patients the following tests:

• EEG or (Electroencephalogram) which measures the electrical activities of the brain.

• EMG and Nerve Conduction Velocities which is essential in diagnosing neuromuscular disorders.

• Evoked Potentials (Visual, Auditory, and Somatosensory)

The Transcranial Doppler is a test that measures the velocity of blood flow through the brain’s blood vessels. It’s a relatively quick test established for cerebrovascular diseases.

For more information, please call the EEG/EMG Unit at Saint George Hospital University Medical Center at +961 1 441525 – 1575 - 1576.