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Chief Nursing Officer: Marie Kattiny Chaibane

The Nursing Team at Saint George Hospital is a group of professionals, who, guided by SGHUMC mission, is dedicated to deliver the very best of nursing care in a safe, compassionate and healthy environment; perpetuated through continuous education and quality improvement strategies to improve the health and well-being of the diversified communities served, regardless of race, color, socioeconomic status, sect and religion.

SGHUMC Nursing Team pledge themselves for a H E A L T H Y environment built on the principles of holistic, legal, trustworthy and evidence based nursing care, with a performance that is active and honest while keeping a young spirit at the heart.

Our Values ensure Compassion, Respect, Ethics, and Commitment to a High Quality Care, Safety, Privacy and Teamwork as part of our daily work.

As an academic medical center, Saint George Hospital thrives to ensure the emergence of advanced nursing practice in terms of Clinical Nurse Specialists for Wound Care, Palliative Care and Clinical Education. Nevertheless, the diversity of the Nursing Service at Saint George Hospital is spread across Geriatrics, Oncology, Psychiatry, Medical Surgical, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Critical care, Emergency and Surgical Services embracing a culture of sensitivity to the unique needs of each patient. Nurses in any specialty, are well trained, dedicated to provide a comprehensive, safe and specialized care to patients & their families within a healing environment, while respecting the dignity and privacy of every individual.