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Chief of Division: Maya Habre

The Dermatology division is directed to the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of skin diseases including hair and nail anomalies; skin lesions resulting from internal diseases.

In the dermatology unit, we perform skin biopsies, histopathologic interpretation as well as skin surgery for benign and malignant lesions.

Multiple treatment modalities are used like cryotherapy (Liquid Nitrogen) and phototherapy (PUVA, UVB,...).

As for esthetic dermatology procedures, the division has experts in Chemical peeling and Botox for facial skin rejuvenation, CO2 laser resurfacing for acne scars and wrinkling, as well as laser for hair removal and laser for vascular and pigmented lesions. Facial lipofilling and other filler products are used according to the needs of our patients in addition to sclerotherapy for skin varicosities.