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Chief of Unit: Pierrette Habib

This unit offers a range of non-invasive diagnostic cardiology procedures including:

- Electrocardiogram (E.C.G) a special snapshot of the electric signals creating heart rhythms

- Holter monitoring: to detect abnormal heart rhythms through a recording box for 24-72 hours

- Event recorder: to detect abnormal heart rhythms through a recording box for 7-14 days and only during symptoms
- Cardiac Scintigraphy (Stress Thallium)
- Tilt Test: this test evaluates the potential reasons for fainting or syncope on a special table
- Echo Doppler and Stress Test: The echocardiography lab is equipped with the latest developments in the ultrasound machines and in Doppler technologies with applications to every day practice transthoracic, transesophageal and stress echocardiography