Dr. Bassim Kobrossy and Tarek Safi Presenting their Research on “Breast Cancer Laterality and Immunohistochemical Characterisitics

hospital events

April 01, 2019

Dr. Bassim Kobrossy, Oncologist at Saint George Hospital and Tarek Safi, medical student in his last year of studies at the University of Balamand, were selected by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) @ https://www.nccn.org/ to present their research on “Breast Cancer Laterality and Immunohistochemical Characterisitics”. Tarek is the main author of the project. They both presented their poster during the annual global conference held in Orlando, Florida, March 21-23, 2019. The research mainly focuses on the differences between right and left breast cancer in term of incidence and immunohistochemical characteristics in a sample population taken from Saint George Hospital, Beirut.